Objective To Validte the Yeliabil of left ventricle ejection fraction ( LEF ) measured by reconstructed impedance cardiography ( RICG ).
目的验证重建心阻抗图测量左室射血分数 ( LEF ) 的可靠性.
互联网As a continuous measure TWA voltage equivalent to ejection fraction in predicting the risk of CVD.
互联网This procedure can reduce left ventricular volume, increase ejection fraction, and improve left ventricular function.
治疗可以减少左心室容积, 增加射血分数, 改善左室功能.
互联网Results Basal ejection fraction and cardiac index were normal in four groups.
互联网Objective To analyze the correspondence and agreement of left ventricular ejection fraction LVEF and left ventriculographyLVG.
互联网However, ejection fraction and left atrial volume index stayed the same.
但是, 射血分数及左房容积仍然不变.
互联网L ejection fraction increased 35 % , and pro - brain natriuretic peptide decreased 40 %.
左室射血分数升高35%, 同时脑钠肽前体蛋白降低40%.
互联网Coprimary end points were IRA patency and change in L ejection fraction.
互联网In left - sided pneumonectomy patients, R volumes were normal whereas L ejection fraction was abnormally low.
在左侧肺切除的患者中, R的容积是正常的,而L射血分数是异常偏低的.
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